Aerodynamics has an extensive database containing the latest updates of Empty Legs available all over the world. It offers you the opportunity to take advantage of a private flight very cheaply.
An Empty Leg is a flight that would actually fly empty, because the plane has to be in a certain place. And because they are offered at a greatly reduced price, we can see if we can include it in your flight schedule. The price difference can be as much as 50% of the normal price.
We can regularly make our customers happy with a flight schedule that includes an Empty Leg. The characteristics of Empty Leg are:
– it is always a fixed flight, so you have to adjust your flight schedule accordingly;
– it is always a one-way trip;
– Empty Legs are known at most a few days before departure;
– different types of aircraft with the same luxury and service are possible;
– you fly at a greatly reduced price.
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